Thursday, February 23, 2012

If You Give A Pig A Pancake

Yes, I have been HORRIBLE about blogging this year...BUT the good news is I just got a new laptop! Hopefully now I can blog with my feet up in my pj's! :) I know it seems silly, but I am SO VERY EXCITED to have a reliable computer.

We've been studying prediction this week...and what better way to study prediction that to make some predictions?! :) Ms. Clemmer read us If You Give A Pig A Pancake and we made predictions about what we thought the pig would do next. Then Ms. Clemmer told us she was going to make us a special snack. First we guessed cookies, then we guessed popcorn and then we finally got the prediction correct...PANCAKES! :)

We hope you enjoy our pictures as much as we enjoyed our PINK PANCAKES!

 Reading our story...And then...SURPRISE...PINK PANCAKES!


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