Monday, August 22, 2011

First Week Fun

We had so much fun practicing our letters and numbers in different ways during the first week of school. Check it out!
We wrote our numbers in shaving cream....

and practiced our letters with Twizzlers...

Don't you just wish you could be in first grade again?! 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Meet My Friends

I promised some pictures, so here they are! Meet Ms. Clemmer's Kids for the 2011-2012 school year! Pictures of our shaving cream fun to come later!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy First Day!

Well, we made it! The first day is always crazy, but I can promise you I have never had a first day go this well. What a sweet, SWEET, sweet class I have this year.

We had a busy busy first day! When the kids got here, there were some nerves and a few tears, but mostly smiles. We practiced our morning routine, took a tour of our school, and created our class rules.  Can you tell these rules were created by the kids themselves?
Ms. Clemmers Class Rules

1.     Follow all school rules.
2.     Be nice to your friends.
(No bullying or picking on other kids. No making fun of other kids.)
3.      Tell the teacher if someone is hurt.
4.    Keep your hands, feet, and teeth to yourself.
5.     Raise your hand to walk or talk.
6.     No talking when the teacher is talking.
7.     Always tell the truth.
8.    Do your own work. Do not copy your buddies work.
9.     Work hard, sing loud, laugh a lot and have fun in first grade!

Hallway Rules
1.     No talking in the hallway.
2.     Keep your hands by your sides or in your pockets.
3.      Feet behind feet and eyes following the line.
4.    No cutting in line.
5.     No running.

My personal favorite? Keep your teeth to your self! Obviously, someone had a biting experience.

After that, we went to lunch. The kids lunch and hallway behavior was awesome. We came back to the classroom after lunch and read one of my personal favorite books, Wemberly Worried. The children talked all about their first days worries, and we even wrote about them some. After that we celebrated Macy and Hunter's birthdays with cupcakes that Macy's family sent in. Macy and Hunter got to sit in the special chair while we read the birthday story. Too fun!

We also took our first trip to the big playground. After that, we went to P.E. and then it was time to go home. We had a wonderful first day. I do have some pictures to post of the children, but my camera cord is at home so that will jut have to wait until Ms. Clemmer goes home and gets in my comfy clothes and gets a little bit of rest. First grade is exhausting!

Have a great night! Hope to see everyone at Sonic for dinner tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Welcome Ms. Clemmer's Kids!

Well if you are reading this, WELCOME TO MY CLASSROOM! I don't know who my kiddos will be this year, BUT I am so excited to meet each one of them. I wanted to give my readers a little virtual tour of my classroom so that you can get a feel for it...check it out!

 Hopefully not many tickets will be pulled from the popcorn boxes this year!
 My "smartie pants." I hung them from the board in the front of the room so that they are easy for the kids to dig in to. I know I will have some "smarties" this year!
 My favorite place to be. I love to read to my kids, talk with them during group time, and SING! (See the pink ihome on my table!) :)
 My teacher's corner with my kids daily binders stored beneath the notes board.
 Math corner!
 Love this "student of the week" nook! The kids will write on sentence strip and pin it to the board when it is their turn to be student of the week!
 Reading and AR nook!
 Center of the room!
 View from the door.
And lastly, the welcome wreath with a tiny view of the group rug from the window.

Love, love, love my classroom and all of the work that I have put in this summer. Can't wait to see my sweet smiling kiddos on August 17!